Feeling Wild

How to wear animal prints plus size

Anabeth’s Outfit: Cheetah Button Down Top | Faux Leather Skirt (similar) | White Booties

Candice’s Outfit: Black Peplum Top | Cheetah Kady Print Pants (same cut, different color)

My outfit: Cheetah Button Down Top – c/o | High Waisted Denim Crop Jeans – c/o | Pearl Beaded Headband | Black Slide On Sneakers (same shoe, different style) | Black Oversized Sunglasses | White + Gold Statement Earrings

Plus size winter outfit

One of my favorite things about the world of fashion is being able to see everyone’s unique personalities shine through their clothing. I remember having a conversation with a male colleague about a year ago and we were talking about style and what it says about you. One of the arguments he made was around what does your style say about you if you aren’t intending it to say anything? That comment really made me step back and think for a moment, does my theory on seeing other people’s styles and personalities still apply even if they aren’t intending to?

After mulling it over for a few seconds (and now a year), I totally think that no matter if we are intending to or not, our style is a reflection of who we are, what mood we are in when we purchased the item and/or put it on that morning, or a mashup of influences around us (i.e., what we saw on IG that day, what our friends were wearing a few days ago, what TV shows we are watching, really anything).

Fast forward to today and why I bring that story up…. 

While there are many reasons that I love to get together with Candice and Anabeth, one of most fun things has been seeing how each of us takes a different trend, pattern or garment of clothing and makes it fit our styles. We all love color, gravitate towards more not less and love the same brands, but we each have our own take on it. During our recent trip, we all decided that we wanted to shoot this cheetah print from one of Eloquii’s recent collections and once I saw how we all had a slightly different take on it, I was immediately transported back to that conversation I had a year ago.

On this trip and especially in these photos, I wanted to be comfortable, enjoying ice cream with my gals – hence, the slide on sneakers and jeans. But, I still wanted to be a bit glam (I admit it, I totally am extra in a lot of my life), which is where the pearl headband, statement earrings and a bold lipstick show up. Another day, I may wear this top over a little black dress for a bit of a flirty vibe – it’s all about how I am feeling at the moment.

Do you agree? Do you think your style tells the world more about who you are/the mood you are in? Let me know in the comments! 

Plus size cheetah outfits How to style cropped jeans plus size How to style a cheetah button down topYou scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream - cheetah print plus size outfitHow to style the Eloquii plus size cheetah print outfitsIce Cream cheers with some of my best gal pals How to style the Eloquii plus size Cheetah print tops Styling the Eloquii plus size wild print

Photos by Meagan Weaver Photography 

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